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JWPM Consulting

Market Dimension

Find out the size, growth rate, segments, key characteristics, main industry players, and sustainability of target industries and markets

JWPM Consulting

Obtain data and strategic judgements about the scope, nature and sustainability of your industry and its dynamics.

Industry Dimensions are typically...

  • Actual and potential industry size, industry growth, industry structure
  • Cost structure, distribution systems, industry trends and developments
  • Industry key success factors

Market size, growth rates and segmentation

At JWPM, a typical client request is to estimate the industry size, usually measured in industry revenue (addressable market).

Often such information is readily obtainable and is routinely reported by industry associations and peak bodies, and even the ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics).

However, if your product or service is a subset of a larger product grouping then it is often impossible to determine market scope easily. This is where primary research and analytical modelling is required to calculate a market estimate.

At JWPM we have proven capability for building a bespoke process for estimating key market dimensions for esoteric products or services.

At the same time we determine industry growth rates and identify key market segments. Our familiarity with technical products and services enables us to efficiently brainstorm an estimation process as we usually have insight into typical applications and therefore are skilled at identifying proxy indicators that can be used to infer market size for the target industry or product/service area.

We also undertake comprehensive studies proving detailed analysis of your nominated industry or market segment...

We specialise in undertaking challenging projects. Get in contact with us to discuss your requirements.

Read more about our Market Research Capabilities

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