JWPM Consulting
Innovation Strategy Consulting
Business strategy to drive innovation and business transformation.
JWPMC Consulting
JWPM is a technology marketing company and business strategy firm, delivering a suite of services and expertise to drive innovation in our client's businesses
New technology and ever-changing market dynamics challenges businesses to be agile. Businesses need to be more than just willing to adapt, but also know how to adapt.
Remaining competitive and containing costs requires constant review of strategy, innovative business practices, and improved delivery of products and services.
The future is created by adopting advanced technology, automation, digitisation and new materials.
Preparing for the future requires applied innovation, or an Innovation Strategy guiding:
- Evolutionary change; incremental or step change to improve the existing business (enhancing current offerings and driving down costs)
- Revolutionary change; totally re-imagining the business, developing new products, services, processes and engaging technology to access new markets.
In our role as a technology marketing and business strategy company, we provide the following tools to drive innovation:
- Industry and market scanning to identify opportunity.
- Developing innovation strategy.
- Identifying improved value and reducing cost.
- Leveraging ‘transferable’ capability – core organisational competencies that deliver real customer value.
- Identifying the industry and technology trends driving ‘future’ markets.
- Developing growth plans to support future sales (it's one thing to set a growth target, it's a big improvement to evidence where it will come from).
- Identifying collaborative opportunities - customers and the supply chain; start-ups, industry incubators, accelerator programs, and traditional R&D programs.
- Navigating the Grant space to identify funding to support growth objectives.
- Developing path to market and market entry strategies.
- Supporting change management.
- Developing and implementing cultural change - people don’t always like change and instead of identifying the need, they use their intellect to argue why it is not necessary.
“Innovation strategies unlock company value to support growth for tomorrow.”
How do we work?
The first step is to understand your requirements and your business context.
We introduce structured thinking designed to maximise creative input in a collaborative environment.
We also provide fresh thinking and experience driving innovation in a wide range of industries servicing diverse markets.
We seek engagement in the process from across the organisation. We recognise that your staff are potential collaborators for driving innovation through the business and will often be the source of the ‘breakthrough’ ideas. We also recognise internal change management is part of the Innovation journey.
Change comes from the top
If you’ve recognised the need for change but aren’t getting the answers from below then consider an external change agent.
Are you ready to take the journey?