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Upper Spencer Gulf: the Axis of Industry

17 July 2019

Every year, 400 to 500 suppliers, government and industry representatives make the pilgrimage to the Upper Spencer Gulf to investigate, listen, and network at the GMUSG Industry Conference and Trade EXPO.

We are gearing up for what is set to be another sell-out GMUSG Conference program.

We are proud of our long association as an event support partner for what is, arguably, the foremost networking event for the resources and mining services sector in the Upper Spencer Gulf region.

This year’s program features a line-up that includes regional project updates on:

  • the $600 million Whyalla Steelworks transformation (GFG Alliance)
  • planned iron ore mine expansions in the Middle Back Ranges (SIMEC Mining, part of the GFG Alliance Group)
  • the $200 million Joy Baluch AM bridge and approach upgrades (DPTI)
  • BHP’s $3 billion planned Olympic Dam expansion
  • OZ Minerals Carapateena Mine development
  • Nystar’s Port Pirie Smelter transformation
  • Renewables investment and energy projects (including updates from ElectraNet and Leigh Creek Energy)
  • Investment in new Agricultural production facilities (Pirie Meats)

With attendance at the last two Conferences selling out, we encourage everyone to secure their place now for the 2019 event!

Explore business opportunities. Develop business relationships. Profit by doing business.
And, don’t forget to pick up your Conference Bag!


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